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Autumn: A Symphony of Colors

Anisha Batchu

Fall is my favorite season as it is for many others. As the air starts to turn crisp and the leaves begin to transform to vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges, Autumn has finally arrived. From warm sweaters, to all things pumpkin spice, fall offers us a time of coziness and change.

Why do leaves change colors?

One of the major signs of fall is the foliage changing colors. Maples and oaks turn into works of art with their dazzling hues of ambers and gold creating a scenic view. Although it may be pretty to look at, there’s a lot more going on than what meets the eye. Trees begin to prepare for winter by slowing down chlorophyll production; chlorophyll gives plants its green color. By slowing down the process, other colors become visible in the leaves, such as carotenoids (yellow and orange colors),  anthocyanins (red and purple hues), and tannins (brown shades). 

Photo from Google Images

Comfort Foods and Nostalgia 

If fall were to have a flavor, most would agree it would be warm and spiced. Pumpkin spice might be the star of the season, but don’t forget the other favorites like apple ciders, pies, soups, and cinnamon-dusted delights! Autumn also allows us to embrace the idea of coziness. We start to bring out blankets and fall-scented candles and layer up with sweaters and scarves. Perhaps we choose to stay in to read a book for those book lovers, snuggle under the comforters and watch a movie with friends, or sip on a warm beverage while we watch the leaves fall. Fall encourages those little acts of self-care as we find joy in slowing things down. 

A Reminder of Change  

Autumn brings about a season of nostalgia as well as new experiences. The falling leaves remind us of change and focus on letting go and making room for growth. It can also be a time of setting goals, and for gratitude (as seen with Thanksgiving). So this year, don’t let autumn slip by. Try that new recipe, spend a quiet evening by the fire, or take that scenic drive to enjoy the colors. 


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