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Blog! Blog! Blog!

Are we done yet??


Hello my fellow UIC students… anyone else as burnt out as I am?? Finals week is no joke and I don’t think I have ever seen this library so packed. I’m glad we are all being productive but I know that the stress is getting to some of us. I need sleep…a lot of sleep. It has been a few weeks since I have gotten a decent night’s rest and I am running on just the remnants of a few naps. I am exhausted but this is all for a good cause, so my fellow stressed out students if you start to feel discouraged, just remember that we got this…we will pass with A’s and we will graduate. We are all coming so close to the end…one more week you guys…just make sure you have plenty of this…

coffee for blog

and plenty of this…

chick sleeping for blog

to avoid feeling like this…

stressed out chick for blog

What you want to avoid is stressing yourself out because the exams do that enough for us…take this one day at a time and just look forward to the fact that we are so close to the finish line…we have come too far to not see this through with 100% of our effort. It is okay to be stressed and anxious, I even feel defeated at this point…but we got this you guys. Only a few more exams, papers, quizzes, and professor evaluations and then we are DONE!!! So let us encourage each other and hope for the best….because after all of our hard work, we are sure to get a bunch of these…

A+ grade written on a test paper.

Which will allow us to graduate and go off into the real world and make a lot of this…

money pic for blog

So stay positive and good luck everyone!!! Stay warm and study hard!!



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