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Francesca Dukala

A Musical Tour of Wizard City

Something important to know about me is that I'm still deeply attached to the same MMORPGs that I played throughout my childhood. I hyper-fixate on one for a few weeks, want to spend all of my money on micro-transactions, and then burn out and forget about it for months until the cycle repeats with another. And now, in true autumn spirit, it's about time I return to the game that heals my inner childhood in the most magical and spooky way; Wizard101.

Most people know Wizard101 as KingsIsle's magical card game for kids in which you pick a school of magic, design your young wizard, and take on the evils of the spiral. However, if you've played past the tutorial world, you know that the storyline soon grows out of this elementary synopsis. There's just something about returning to the game after you've played it to completion multiple times, gotten caught up in the battle strategies, wiki pages, and advanced combat, and then slowing down to appreciate the finer details. For me, this is the soundtrack. Growing up, I never gave it too much thought, but now, as a classically trained musician, I can't help but be drawn to the soundscapes and what they add to the game. So seeing as I've returned to my Wizard101 phase this fall and begun a character with a school I haven't played yet, I wanted to take the time to rank my top 5 favorite tracks that will follow my journey through the game's flagship world until I inevitably hit the paywall.


  1. Pet Pavilion Theme

    The pet pavilion is the location in the game where you can level up your pets to give them attributes that aid you in battle. This track is fun and encapsulates the carnivalesque vibe, but I have to rank it number 5 out of the main themes simply because of my pain associated with the pet system in the game. The system by which you hatch pets together to give them the talents you want is convoluted, extremely luck-based, and, unfortunately, a very important part of the game if you decide to take it seriously. No hate to the track itself; I just can't shake the feeling from the number of hours I've sat in the pavilion hatching over and over again to make the perfect pet. It's drilled this theme into my head to the point where I probably have each instrument's part memorized (to be honest, this is true for every other track too.)

Usually, I'm partial to the classic 2008 versions of these pieces. However, Mark Packard hit the nail on the head with his 2018 composition of the new Ravenwood theme. It's an amazing ambiance and gives Ravenwood its own identity. If you enjoy this one, the Arcanum Theme that is heard later in the progression of the game is similar - Packard says they are "...two sides of the same coin. As the Arcanum is of the heavens, this is of the earth." This piece does a great job of establishing the magical feel of Ravenwood and getting the player immersed in the glowy atmosphere.

  1. Theme 2 - 2008

    Along with theme 2, Nelson Everhart, the game's main soundtrack composer, authored two other waltz-style main themes for Wizard City. Of the three, theme 2 is my personal favorite. I especially appreciate the foreshadowing of a motif from a track in the subsequent world, Krokotopia, at 0:32, whether this was intentional or not. I place it at number 3 as a solid representation of the feel of not just the areas it's heard in but of Wizard City overall.

Wizard101's combat themes are where the soundtrack shines in my opinion. In later worlds like Azteca, the use of the choir amplifies the sense of urgency the game is trying to portray. There's a bit of cognitive dissonance with this, as the game presents no significant consequence to dying in battle, but I digress. It's epic and complements the "end-of-the-world" feeling from the plot content.

Unsurprisingly, the main theme takes the cake on this list, even if mainly for its iconic status. This theme is played throughout the commons, the hub for all players to socialize, and is likely the most recognizable to Wizard101's player base for this reason. Players of the game for 1, 5, or 15 years all made memories hearing this track, which is what earns it my number 1 spot. On a musical level, the best way to describe the contrasting ideas and countermelodies is that they're lovely. It's so fantastical and even a bit mischievous - which are exactly the kind of antics your wizard gets up to after leaving this main area.


Nelson Everhart did a fantastic job with the motivic content in each piece and creating cohesive work with such a distinct identity. His artistry is something I aspire to reach one day, and I highly recommend giving these pieces a listen. Each world within the game is themed around real-world regions or other fantasy concepts, and the music that surrounds each of them makes for an incredibly dynamic and engaging experience. If you're a fan of videogame soundtracking, you won't be disappointed with Everhart's work in Wizard101.


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