Hello everyone. Although Valentine's Day has passed, I think that it is important to express gratitude and affection for the things that I love in my life anytime I can. This semester has been full of much misfortune. However, there are two things in my life that have helped me through this rough time: Block Blast and Dr. Pepper.

On January 30th, 2025, I was attending a club meeting, and as I was speaking to one of my friends, she seemed distracted by something on her Apple iPhone. Curiously, I glanced over her shoulder, and what I saw on the screen captured my attention immediately: an 8x8 grid full of blocks of all shapes, sizes, and colors, all being strategically placed on the grid. I knew immediately that I needed to have this app. However, I didn't officially download the app until February 6th. 02/06/2025 marks the most important day of my life, when I officially met Block Blast. Since then, I have accumulated 13 hours and 39 minutes (and counting) on this wonderful app, and I do not plan to ever stop playing it. Classic Block Blast had my heart, but recently, I've discovered Adventure mode, making my experience even better. I love you, Block Blast. Thank you for everything. Happy one-month anniversary.

Dr. Pepper. Where do I even start? I love you. I don't think that words could possibly describe how much, but I really do. Every day, I wake up hoping that I will get the opportunity to have at least one sip of Dr. Pepper that day. When I finally do have a Dr. Pepper, I can only describe the first sip as something otherworldly. Ethereal, if you will. The taste of Dr. Pepper is so exquisite and beautiful. I will never, ever tire of sipping on a Dr. Pepper whenever I get the chance. In fact, when I began typing this, I had a cup of Dr. Pepper sitting right next to me in all its glory. I miss it. It's gone now. Even with Blackberry, Cherry, Strawberry, Diet, Zero Sugar, etc., I will always return to my one true love: Original Dr. Pepper. They say an apple a day keeps the Doctor away, but I never want Dr. Pepper to leave my side. I will be buried with a case of it. Or perhaps a bottle. I haven't worked out the logistics yet. I love you, Dr. Pepper. Thank you.

Can I get a hell yeah. Great read brother.
dr pep