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50 Years of Led Zeppelin


50 years ago, one of the greatest musical groups was formed in London, England. They were a band that would eventually

come to America and change music forever. That band is Led Zeppelin. (AKA one of my favorite bands of all time).

However, this is all my opinion, and you are free to think what you want of the band and their music, but they did have a big

influence on music.

For their 50th anniversary, I am going to be reviewing one of my personal favorites of theirs, Led Zeppelin IV. This album

came out in 1971, and continues to be one of the classics, as it contains of the most popular Zeppelin songs ever-Stairway to

Heaven, but I’ll get to that later. For now, I am going to start at the beginning of the album.

Black Dog starts the album off with Robert Plant’s crooning, about a woman, as most Zeppelin songs do, and then is later

accompanied by the acoustics of Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, and John Bonham. Each time Plant sings, there is no

acoustics. The song is unique, and brings a fresh start to the album.

Rock and Roll is the second song off the album. It’s definitely the fastest paced song on the album, and very Zeppelin. The

acoustics are fast, and you have Robert Plant singing, with not a large variety of lyrics. I seem harsh on the song, but in fact,

it’s one of my faves.

The Battle of Evermore is just how it sounds. It starts slow, then slowly gets faster, and tells a story. This song also features a

mandolin, which is pretty cool. The song is a journey, and a must listen on this album.

Stairway to Heaven, the song everyone knows, whether your a Led Zeppelin fan or not. Another storytelling song, but this

time, it’s slow throughout the whole song, until the very end, when it gets fast. People don’t like this song, because it’s

overplayed, and their most popular, but I think it’s one of their best. The song is beautiful, and should be appreciated, instead

of hated.

Misty Mountain Hop is a nice, fast paced song, after the previous one. It has Robert Plant’s voice going higher, and faster than

in previous songs. The acoustics are fast paced as well. When Plant sings in this song, you know its him, when his voice

changes for certain parts.

Four Sticks is probably the song I listen to the least on this album. It’s a good song, but definitely different from the others. It’s

fast paced, and the lyrics are very similar. It’s repetitive, but still shows great qualities of Led Zeppelin.

Going To California is a slow song, about a man going to “California with an aching heart”.While it seems sad, it’s not that sad

of a song. Its very quiet, and slow, but is still a Led Zeppelin great. It’s a great song to help wrap up the album.

And last, but certainly not least, is my favorite Zeppelin song ever, When The Levee Breaks. This is a cover, but nobody really

knows that. The song, while slower, is heavy on acoustics, especially bass. The lyrics are genius, and Robert Plant’s slow,

melodic, deep voice, gives this song meaning. Let’s not forget the drums, bass and guitar. Other elements that make this song

one of the all time greats. It has a recognizable acoustics, that you’ve probably heard. I could go on forever about how great

this song is, and if you don’t believe me, listen to it for yourself. (They also mention Chicago, so that’s pretty rad!)

So, Led Zeppelin has been around for 50 years. While no longer a band, the remaining members (RIP John Bonham), tour,

and release their own stuff.

Thanks Led Zeppelin for being one of my faves and one of the greatest bands of all time. Your music always puts me in a good


And don’t forget to get the Led out every once in a while…

Image result for get the led out school of rock

Rating: 10/10 (but i am bias because this is my fave Zep album).



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