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5 Collaborations That Need To Happen In 2015



We are now 11 days into January and its about that time to start speculating about what music will be released this year. Here are 5 collaborations that I want to see happen as the year unfolds.

1. Kendrick Lamar & Kanye West


Kanye took Kendrick on his Yeezus tour over a year ago, I know they had to have at least collaborated on something during that time. With both of them releasing albums later this year its likely they have something in their archives. Honestly, I would be fine if it was just a Kanye beat for Kendrick to rap over because I’m sick of Kanye giving beats to weak rappers like Tyga. Below is Kanye’s song All Day that got leaked but has yet to officially release hopefully we get it soon because it sounds crazy.

2. Chance the Rapper & Migos


There has been rumors of this collaboration happening on Chance the Rapper’s upcoming album Surf. The energy both sides bring to the mic this collab would make for one of the most hyped tracks of 2015.

3. King Louie & Drake


Theres been rumors that Chicago’s own King Louie being signed to Drakes OVO label. If this is the case its likely a collaboration is in the works and I would love to see how Drake would sound over the drill beats Louie raps over. The Kanye & King Louie collaboration was successful with the song “Send it Up” so my expectations are high for this one.

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4. Nas & Run the Jewels


Run the Jewels just came off a release of one of the best albums of 2014 with Run The Jewels 2. They said that after they are done with their world tour they have plans to work on their next album. Recently, Nas has been giving the duo love on social media and it would be great to hear these three rappers go bar for bar on a track. Keep your fingers crossed that this happens on Run the Jewels 3. Below is Nas new song with him rapping over J Dilla production.

5. A$AP Rocky & Andre 3000


To be honest A$AP Rocky is almost the Andre 3000 of my generation with all the crazy outfits and fast rap flows. A$AP has an album coming soon and I would love to see Andre on one of the tracks challenging Rocky rap at his level. Theres also rumors of Andre releasing a solo album this year and if that actually drops 2015 will be a historically great year for rap. Below is the song Ghetto Symphony where A$AP Rocky pays tribute to Andre on his first few bars.

That concludes this special addition of The Standouts, for more regular updates on new music like the Facebook Page or follow the twitter account. You can also follow me personally @LFH25. See you next week.



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