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Writer's pictureAmira Adeleke

47 Reasons to Vote Even if ‘Politics Aren't Your Thing’

  1. Free stickers!

  2. It's a great excuse to leave work early.

  3. Because your friend who cares way too much will stop nagging you.

  4. You can feel superior at dinner parties.

  5. You might overhear some juicy gossip in the polling line.

  6. You’ll have something to complain about for the next four years.

  7. Voting selfies are a thing now.

  8. You can play “eeny meeny miny moe” with candidates.

  9. You might meet someone cute in line.

  10. You can be the voice of reason or chaos. Your choice.

  11. You could be part of a tiebreaker—imagine the power!

  12. You can roll your eyes at everyone afterward and say, “I did my part.”

  13. Your friends can't use your non-vote to guilt-trip you.

  14. You can vote for the least annoying option.

  15. The walk to the polling place counts as cardio.

  16. You can say, “Don’t blame me—I voted.”

  17. It’s like filling out a personality quiz but with real-world consequences.

  18. You’ll feel accomplished for five minutes.

  19. You can vote for the person with the coolest name.

  20. You might run into someone you haven’t seen since high school.

  21. It makes you feel important, even if you don't know why.

  22. It’s a free pass to complain for four years.

  23. Your “I Voted” sticker goes great with any outfit.

  24. You can check out who else doesn't know what they're doing.

  25. You might discover a local issue you care about.

  26. You can troll your least favorite candidate by not voting for them.

  27. It’s something to do that isn’t doom scrolling

  28. You can joke that you “flipped the election.”

  29. You can vote for the underdog just to shake things up.

  30. It’s something to boast about during small talk.

  31. You’ll finally understand all the memes about voting.

  32. You might learn about cool new policies that affect you.

  33. You get to cancel out someone else's vote, just because.

  34. It’s one small way to make your voice heard, even if you’re whispering.

  35. Voting is basically adulting on hard mode.

  36. You get to tell people “at least I tried.”

  37. You can laugh at how out of touch some candidates are.

  38. Because you can vote against someone just to be petty.

  39. You can pick the candidate with the best campaign playlist.

  40. Voting gives you a reason to leave the house.

  41. You get to see democracy in action, or at least democracy adjacent.

  42. Voting gives you a story to tell at awkward family gatherings.

  43. Because “not voting” is just too mainstream.

  44. It’s an excuse to skip your least favorite class for a few hours.

  45. It's better than leaving your future to chance.

  46. You get a slight adrenaline rush from bubbling in those little circles.

  47. Because someday you might care, and you’ll be glad you voted.

Create your voting plan now! :


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