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4-Way Split

Matthew Hocutt

With their North American tour coming to a close, Vs Self, Knumears, Catalyst..., and Party Hats have released a new EP titled 4-Way Split.


I saw Vs Self and Knumears perform at the Subterranean on April 19th, and it was a very intimate show. If you are unfamiliar with the Subterranean, it is stuffy in there. The width of the room is probably a third of its length, and it's not even long. However, that didn't stop the crowd from moshing. As the name would suggest, emo music is very emotionally charged, and the audience is no different.

Vs Self, in particular, is proactive on social media and in their music. They advocate for emotional circumstances such as the genocide in Palestine and the troubles that the queer community faces. There were a few wholesome moments during my time spent at the show. When I first got to the venue, I went to check the merchandise as one does, and there was a sign posted on the wall with information about Palestine and its relief fund. It was a breath of fresh air to see in person that people with a following care about doing their best to spread the word. Towards the end of their set, Vs Self, during a break, gave a heartfelt song dedication to the queer members of the audience. The moshing intensified.

The two bands, composed of only four people total, are the face of today's emo scene. Vs. Self consists of Kyle, the lead singer and guitarist; Dante, the tambourine and vocals; and Frankie on Drums. Knumears has Matthew on guitar and vocals and Frankie on drums again! Kyle never fails to impress me because, as a guitarist, their ability to play guitar leads while playing the bass notes while singing is a talent I one day hope to achieve.


Their newest split, released with the help of Party Hats and Catalyst..., whom Vs Self and Knumears went on tour with, is a must-listen. All four tracks bring that sweet sweet taste of emo someone like me craves. I can't speak on Party Hats and Catalyst, but the new tracks of Vs Self and Knumears are equally powerful in the studio as they are when performed live. My favorite is "Bridged" by Knumears because of its dynamics (and how emo it makes me feel). Check it out!


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