2015…. It’s finally here… I say this because this is the year that I graduate and also the year where I dive fully into my career in the music industry. But for a moment let’s dive back to my first time at Vans Warped Tour….
Vans Warped Tour is a summer rock tour that travels across the country from city to city. Day in and day out the people of Warped Tour present to fans several bands on several different stages. This means that everything has to go according to plan and executed perfectly so the fans can enjoy the festival.
My first time going to Warped Tour was nerve racking; I had never been to a music festival like it before and I was new to live shows in general. I remember grabbing a map of the layout and figuring out my way to the stages where some of my favorite artists would play. I remember standing in line to buy food, merch, and striking up conversations with other music lovers. I remember being picked up by my mother and my answer to her question “how was it?” was “can I go again next year?” She nodded as she still had a look of concern on her face. Being drenched in spilt beer, water, sweat, dirt, and a few scrapes didn’t help my case. Nevertheless, Warped Tour had won a place in my heart.
It wasn’t until I heard about Tiffany Mink where I learned about a position called “pit reporter”. This basically means you get to go on Vans Warped Tour for the summer, interview bands, photograph them, interact with friends, and show how amazing it is! I couldn’t believe it! Unfortunately, I was too young to apply and so each year I viewed all applications and tried to figure out how I would stand out one day if I had the courage to apply.
That day is today! Now being a 21 year old and finishing up my last year at UIC; I think it’s time to take a chance to apply. So below I share with you all my video application to be the next pit reporter. I asked that if you want; feel free to watch, share, and tweet to both @VansWarpedTour and @KevinLyman that you want me on tour this summer! Thank you for the support and for even reading this. This is my first big project for 2015; what’s yours?!