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10 Reset Tips for 2024!

Writer: Vanessa SaenzVanessa Saenz

On my previous blog, reset for the new year (2024), I mentioned how I would go into a detailed list and share my suggestions for a productive and healthier lifestyle for this new year.

  1. Routines

Morning routines, night routines, “Sunday reset” routines, and weekly/monthly routines have been such a trending topic for young adults. It’s something I’ve slowly been implementing in my life and found enjoyable to do.

Especially “Sunday reset”, it’s my time to get myself ready for the new week, to not do any type of work, I get to do my skincare, stay home and clean, and it's a time to have movie nights.

There are many videos of this on TikTok and, of course, on YouTube that show people specifying their routines, and it’s satisfying and curious to try along or get ideas on. Doing routines might seem draining or boring, so finding what helps you stay constantly doing these is the key. I suggest looking through those videos and following along this list!  


Prioritize Sleep

I know as college students, it’s hard to prioritize sleep when we have multiple assignments to do, work shifts, and other extracurricular activities that take up our time and energy. Although, sleep is something that we should try to get better at. As previously mentioned, night routines are something that one can do to help sleep on time or even have better sleep. 8 hours of sleep may not be realistic for others, and so even 6-7 daily can still help! I’m sure we all love sleep, so why not prioritize it? 


Podcasts/ Journaling

Something I started doing is listening to self-help podcasts! I listen to a few while getting ready, on my way to school, or sometimes even while cleaning. I think it’s a great way to get some knowledge while doing other tasks, but any genre will do. Even the ones from UIC Radio are so interesting, and I advise you to check them out :)

Another thing I’ve been trying to implement a few times for the week is journaling. I’ve seen specific books that take up to 5 minutes of your day and I’ve journal prompts that you can try out or start to personalize. Taking a few minutes of your day to practice gratitude and to remind yourself of your emotions is a healthy and real reminder. 


Physical Movement

It’s been so cold here in Chicago; I mean, it’s the winter, duh! And so, physical movement outside might not be the best idea at the moment, but that won’t stop us from achieving this goal! Doing all sorts of exercises like working out, dancing, and pilates can all be done at home, at gyms, and studios. Remember, getting some steps in now is healthy for you in the long run (no pun intended). Once the weather starts to get better, I’m sure going out for a jog, morning walks, or playing out in parks or at beaches will be so fun and exciting to do individually or with friends!  


Healthy Foods

Having a healthy lifestyle is not for everyone. It can be difficult to achieve and get used to, but that doesn't mean it’s impossible.

I was not a fan of drinking water as much as I should’ve, yet since the new year, I’ve drank at least one bottle of water daily (sometimes even more!), and I’ve been so proud since. Once I started applying my protein and greens into my daily meals it became easy to continue and not forget.

Learning how to cook with online meal plans, calling up family members or video tutorials and reading the nutrients on the back of items can be a great starter for this. Packing lunch for school became somewhat better sometimes, so eating out a few times a week or once in a while with friends can help limit this as well. 


Planning/ Agendas

Got so many things to do but don't know in what order or where to write them down? Forget trying to look for a random piece of paper and pen… your answer is PLANNERS!

I’ve been a planner girl most of my school years and love every aspect of it! I enjoy writing out the events and things I have to do weekly and monthly, so I can look forward to it. Also, writing out the due dates for assignments, quizzes, and exams has always helped me stay ahead of my work and become organized.

Planners can be customized to everyone; the paper ones and the digital ones can all be personalized to your own taste. I mean wouldn’t it be fun and such a relief to cross things out when done?


Consistency and Discipline > Motivation

Discipline is the ability to do hard or ordinary things without motivation. Consistency is the ability to do those things for an unordinary amount of time. Therefore, motivation is not something you can sustain for the rest of your life or for an extended period of time.

I think it’s great to have things, goals, and people that motivate you, I also have those. My parents motivate me to do better and to continue, but it’s up to ME to stay consistent and create discipline for myself actually to get things done and become better. Know your goals or purposes, build new habits like this list, and remember slowly but surely, so go easy on yourself. 


Practice what you Preach

While I sound very optimistic writing out this list and sharing the habits I’ve created for this new year, I need to remember to actually do them. I can talk and create lists and vision boards all I want, but that’s not enough; where's the action?

Meaning if you really want it, work for it! And I don’t just mean physically going to your job and work…apart from that; I mean behaving and encouraging others in the stuff you believe in, to continue to practice for the better of others and yourself.


Don't take Time for granted

As previously mentioned, planners help me stay on top of things and get all my tasks done. Though, I have some free time and wonder what to do about it. Either I can totally relax and get in some “me time”, or I can get other types of school work done.

Through those decisions, I realized we cannot take time for granted. If I have time to get an assignment done, I’m going to do it. If I have time to clean my room, I will do it. If I have time to get coffee with a friend, let’s do it! Time is the one thing we cannot control. Let’s not push down our tasks to complain later and have to do; let’s do it now and get MORE free time! 


Treat Yourself

This list may sound like a job or a hard routine to get into, or might not sound as fun at first. So, with that said let’s not forget the main thing to try to do: treat yourself.

Take a day out of the week, out of the month to do the things you love! Go out with friends at parties or clubs. Go home and spend time with your family. Treat yourself with actual treats by going to local coffee/ dessert shops. Have a whole day only to sleep! Have some time to hang out with your pets only. Just remember to do anything you love because you deserve it. After all the hard work you’ve been putting in, it’s valid to have YOU TIME. 


I thought some of these tips could help, inspire, or entertain some readers. But a takeaway from this and something I want to remind those reading, is how we are all on different time lines in our lives. Our journeys and end-goals are different. 

Just because I suggested having a morning routine, doesn't mean you start waking up at 5am if you truly don’t want to. Just because I mentioned let’s eat healthier, doesn’t mean I also don’t have my cheat days. Just because I repeatedly shared the idea on the previous blog and on this one about having a better lifestyle for this year doesn’t mean everything in your life changes in an instant. Maybe you like your old habits, maybe this time isn't about changing or growing. Your personal satisfaction is what matters.

Remember to take it easy, think thoroughly how you want this year to start, continue and end. Best of luck! 

— tune in for more stories from #lachurrosstories 


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